Carsens James!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

If my spirit were an animal....

It would most defiantly be a horse. Majestic, strong, emotional. I love these animals. I never feel quite like I do when I'm riding doing anything else. Its my souls medicine.
And my son's got it too. : )
He loves riding, I even dared to go at a trot for a few gaits and he just laughed and threw his arms up in the air like a true cowboy. It warms my heart to see the simple things, the things I love, make my son so happy. I want him to grow up enjoying the nature of hard work, of taking care of a farm. When Carsen gets older hes going to be the kid in the group that says when all the others are talking about what they are going to do on the weekend, "Oh, I'm going to throw hay at my Grandpa's" or "My mom, dad, and I are going to ride the horses and castrate a calf." Weird I know. But hey, its a Montana thing! ; )

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A First for "The Carsen".

Today Carsen attended his first child's birthday party. Up until this day he had only attend grown up birthday celebrations which really did not entail all that much for the stink except food. He loves food. But no, today he attend our neighbors little boys 3rd birthday. It was a great time. Food of course was involved or I'm afraid Carsen would have regretfully declined. Games were played. And bless the neighbors they rented THIS:
The kids LOVED it. She was able to rent it for I think it was three and a half hours for $99. Um, yes please? I will have one of these at Carsens birthday parties when he is old enough. Carsen enjoyed it, all though me being the protective mother that I am of my baby I wouldn't let him get in there when the older kids were bouncing (I'm sorry we tried but they were just too rough for him, as a good kids as they were) and I also had to be in there with him, except once when I let my neighbor, Nicole, and here friend take him in. Here are some snap shots of The Carsen in his first bounce house ever.
Oh, just chillin in the bounce house.
And now he's on the move!

And there's theres the thumb.

Flirting with the pretty ladies. *wink, wink* : )

As you can see, he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He ate chips and potato salad. Had cake AND ice cream. And got send home with one of the birthday boys balloons because Nicole could not get over how cute Carsen was and how excited he got when he saw them. Spo-iled.

Here are some more random pictures I got of Carsen while at the party. He was too funny with this dancing skeleton they had on their fire place mantel. It played music and danced and my kid knew exactly what button to push over and over again. He was pretty cute too because he would dance along with the music, but my ears would have no rest if I had one in my house.

With his new favorite toy.
With his loot from the goody bag. :)
Playin in the playhouse. He though he was so cool going in and out the door over and over again!
This adorable new face he makes. It just makes me smile. : )
And my happy, smiling, baby boy. Man I love my stinker!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Weekend Warrior's paradise

I've been brainstorming places to escape to that aren't too far away and a fairly inexpensive excursion. An outdoors activity is a must, like hiking. I love hiking. I'm not so much a hardcore canyoneer (although how cool would that be??) but I like to get out there and make that hike count. This is sort of a dream of mine, and that is to hike in Little Bluejohn Canyon in Utah. Yes, this is the canyon that Aaron Ralston was trapped in and had to cut off his arm in order to survive (if you haven't read his book or seen the movie 127 Hours I highly recommend both!). I love Utah. Next to Montana and Colorado it is one of my top places to do all of my outdoor recreations.

If you don't know any of the history behind Little Bluejohn Canyon, its actually quite interesting. You can find a good little blurb about it here. Its actually a site for Aaron's  mountaineering skills and his story of survival in Bluejohn Canyon. It is just beautiful.
Can you imagine hiking and crawling through rocks like this?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It doesn't get much better than this.

Montana is a true gem. I love this state like I love my family. We are in our own little bubble up here surrounded by nature and all that God created. How many people can say they get to see this every sunrise?

And this is what I look like after a crazy 10 hour night shift at the hospital..... I pretty much look like someone who's been hit by a truck. Good night all!

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's a wonderful night in the laboratory

Here's to another average, run of the mill Friday night here at Benefis East Clinical Lab. In case you don't know, an average, run of the mill Friday night includes multiple legal blood alcohols,  a few Code Blues,  with a dash of assorted traumas, and the standard bar fights. Happy Weekend!

I'm thinking yes....

To this for the Carsen-Butt's Halloween costume this year. I know it brings a smile to my face, how about yours??

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rub a dub dub, its a baby in a...... sink?

I had to share this picture of pure deliciousness that is my son. Since I am working and Ryan has guard drill this weekend the Carsen-Butt went out to his Mamae's and Gramps farm. This little gem is what I woke up to this afternoon.

And on a side note, would he not look just handsome as all get out in this.

I just love it. And I do believe his curls and blue eyes would just pop in it. : )